Montgomery County Farm Bureau

2024-2025 Montgomery County Farm Bureau board members left to right Levi Clubine, Carrie Blaes, Wes Miller, Debbie Steed, Shawn Bemo, Peggy Blaes, John Patrzykont, Smai Dodson and Chuck Voelker.


2023-2024 Board of Directors: left to right John Kennedy District 3 Field Service Manager, Wesley Miller, John Patrzykont, Levi Clubine, Debbie Steed, Mike Blaes, Peggy Blaes, Phil Clubine, Coordinator Kathy O’Brien, Chuck Voelker.

2022-2023 Montgomery County Farm Bureau board left to right Gabe Evans, John Kennedy 3rd District Field Service Manager, John Patrzykont, Chuck Voelker, Peggy Blaes, President Mike Blaes, Debbie Steed (Women’s Chairman) and Aaron Ewing. Not pictured are Vice President Phil Clubine and Sara Scott.

With the awesome assistance of all the donors, bidders, and buyers, Montgomery County Farm Bureau was able to raise four thousand dollars at our recent fundraiser for Debra Mahaffey. Thank you so much to all who helped make this possible.

Pictured above is Debra and Dan Mahaffey accepting a check from board member, Chuck Voelker.


Montgomery County Farm Bureau

Montgomery County Farm Bureau is a grassroots organization designed to unite farm and ranch families for the purpose of analyzing their problems and formulating action to achieve educational improvement, economic opportunity and social advancement.

Members from Montgomery County joined more than 700 Farm Bureau members of Kansas during Kansas Farm Bureau’s 2021 Annual Meeting in Manhattan Dec. 4-6. They wrapped up important business for their farm organization after debating and adopting policy statements for 2022. These policies will now become the road map for the organization during the upcoming legislative session.

2021-2022 Board members Gabe Evans, John Patrzykont, Phil Clubine, Sara Scott, Jacquelyne Felts, County Coordinator Kathy O’Brien, Mike Blaes and Debbie Steed. Not pictured Aaron Ewing and Aaron O’Brien

October 2021 Montgomery County Farm Bureau annual meeting.

2020-2021 Board members are left to right Aaron O’Brien, Mike Blaes, Jacquelyne Felts, Chuck Voelker, Coordinator Kathy O’Brien, Aaron Ewing, Debbie Steed, Levi Clubine and Gabe Evans.

2020-2021 Board members are left to right Aaron O’Brien, Mike Blaes, Jacquelyne Felts, Chuck Voelker, Coordinator Kathy O’Brien, Aaron Ewing, Debbie Steed, Levi Clubine and Gabe Evans.

Members from Montgomery County joined more than 800 Farm Bureau members of Kansas during Kansas Farm Bureau’s 2019 Annual meeting in Manhattan Dec 1-3. They wrapped up important business for their farm organization after debating and adopting policy…

Members from Montgomery County joined more than 800 Farm Bureau members of Kansas during Kansas Farm Bureau’s 2019 Annual meeting in Manhattan Dec 1-3. They wrapped up important business for their farm organization after debating and adopting policy statements for 2020. These policies will now become the road map for the organization during the upcoming legislative session.

Montgomery County Farm Bureau sponsors two sanctioned Pedal Pulls each year at the Montgomery County Fair and the Inter-State Fair & Rodeo. Kids who pull the furthest can qualify to pull at the Kansas State Fair.

Montgomery County Farm Bureau sponsors two sanctioned Pedal Pulls each year at the Montgomery County Fair and the Inter-State Fair & Rodeo. Kids who pull the furthest can qualify to pull at the Kansas State Fair.

Kansas Farm Bureau President Felts speaks at the 2020 Montgomery County Farm Bureau annual meeting.

Kansas Farm Bureau President Felts speaks at the 2020 Montgomery County Farm Bureau annual meeting.

Richard Felts of Felts Farms in Montgomery County currently serves as the Kansas Farm Bureau President.

Richard Felts of Felts Farms in Montgomery County currently serves as the Kansas Farm Bureau President.


With the awesome assistance of all the donors, bidders, and buyers, Montgomery County Farm Bureau was able to raise over five thousand dollars at our recent fundraiser for Jessica Wood. Thank you so much to all who helped make this possible.

Pictured above is Melody Wood accepting a check from county President, Chuck Voelker.

Montgomery County Farm Bureau along with the Montgomery County Farm Bureau Agents attend the annual Animal Health Day in Independence.

Montgomery County Farm Bureau along with the Montgomery County Farm Bureau Agents attend the annual Animal Health Day in Independence.

2024 Silent auction winner was Justin Ward, President Chuck Voelker presented the check.