Chuck's Chat - Welcome to February 2025

The weather forecast for at least the first week of this month certainly seems favorable for those performing outdoor endeavors. It sure would be a good time to introduce newborn livestock to the advantageous elements.

The Montgomery County “Local Health Equity Action Team” (LHEAT) just received a 3-year environmental grant with an emphasis on food security. One of their projects involves assisting with container gardening for individuals who reside in areas with contaminated soils – especially Cherryvale and Caney. Montgomery County Farm Bureau is helping, and one way is to secure used mineral/protein tubs that can be used in backyard gardens. The grant will help fund the soil and seeds/plants to provide families. If you have any empty tubs, or know of someone who does, you can bring them to the south side of the Farm Bureau office or Beachner Grain, both in Independence. Thank you for assisting with this project.

The Wildcat Extension District has quite a variety of upcoming events. Please check out for details. Health, crops, livestock, succession planning, and tractor safety training are just a few of the topics to be discussed.

Saturday, February 15 the annual Montgomery County Farm Bureau Coffee with the Legislators event will take place. It will begin at 9:00 at the Farm Bureau office 217 W Myrtle, Independence. We certainly enjoy the ability and opportunity to discuss county and state issues with our elected officials.

And finally, Montgomery County Farm Bureau will again be awarding five $500 scholarships this year to deserving students attending either a college or vo-tech in the fall of 2025. Applications must be received by 5pm, April 1 to be considered. The student or their parents must be members to be eligible. Watch for upcoming details on our Facebook page and the application can be found on our website at

Be smart. Be safe. Stay strong.

God Bless America

Until next month,

Chuck Voelker