Chuck's Chat-Welcome to July!

Official rainfall total for Independence in June was 8.62 inches, with the average being 6.34.  I know for a fact other areas of Montgomery County received more. I’ve repaired the water gap fence in the creek more this year than probably the previous four years combined.  Nonetheless, my cattle have fresh running water, as well as a full pond. The grass is thick, and so are the mosquitoes. And the humidity, oh my.

Now that summer is here, I’ve noticed a lot of student driver vehicles around.  I sure hope they can survive without their phone while learning to change lanes, parallel park, or perform a three point turnaround.  I remember back to my driver’s education class, and that ruler the instructor had poised to strike upon the slightest slip up. Don’t think she’d get away with that with today’s snowflakes.  I really think the old defensive driving courses should be brought back. I remember as a kid attending these programs with my parents. Presentations with pictures of wrecks, testimonies from survivors, and helpful tips provided by law enforcement officers provided good insight.  I think something similar should be mandatory for drivers with bad records. Maybe my insurance pals can check this out.

Governor Laura Kelly has created the Office of Rural Prosperity and her office is hosting listening sessions across the state June through August.  There will be one in Independence on July 23, with the time and location to be determined. The Montgomery County Farm Bureau Facebook page will keep you updated as more information becomes available.  For other dates and locations, check out this website:

Kansas Farm Bureau is working diligently to develop health plans and options for their new healthcare member benefit.  Open enrollment will begin October 1, with coverages for all plans to become effective January 1, 2020. Contact your local Farm Bureau Financial Services representative for details.  You can also visit this website for updates:

One of the more interesting finds during my recent internet search is that July is National Horseradish Month.  Edible from leaves to root tip, the horseradish is native to Eastern Europe. Historically, the root’s medicinal uses included treatments for pain relief, food poisoning, scurvy, and colic.  It was even considered an aphrodisiac. The roots of horseradish make their greatest growth in late summer and early fall. Cool soil promotes the formation of compounds that give horseradish roots their pungency, so it's best to harvest horseradish in fall, winter, and early spring.  I guess that explains why I had been told years ago it should be harvested in a month with an “r” in it…

Needing little to no explanation, July is also National Hot Dog Month, National Ice Cream Month, National Picnic Month, National Watermelon Month, and quite possibly my new favorite, National Air Conditioning Appreciation Month.  On July 17, 1902, Willis Carrier designed the first modern air-conditioning system, launching an industry that would fundamentally improve the way we live, work and play. Here’s to you, Mr. Carrier!

Be sure to get out and support the efforts of the kids at your local fairs.  And while you’re at it, thank a volunteer. If you are a volunteer, thank you.  If you’re not, ask how you can become one. Then someone can thank you as well.

Until next month,

Chuck Voelker