Chuck's Chat-Welcome to June!

Can we just get back to normal?

No, I’m pretty sure we’ll never experience normal as we once did. But, you know what, normal has always been on somewhat of a sliding scale. Then again, normal is strictly viewed from one’s perspective, depending on the circumstances which influence your decisions. After the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783, Americans adjusted to a new normal. With the acquisition of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, a lot of westward moving peoples became accustomed to a new normal. The gold rush of 1849 created quite the stir in California, not to mention raising the hopes and dreams of traveling prospectors seeking to strike it rich. Just prior to, during, and after the Civil War, normal changed many times and not often for the better. World War I brought out the best in many. From tales I’ve been told, through stories I’ve read, and video footage I’ve seen, there was nothing much resembling normal during the Great Depression or the dust bowl years; the “dirty thirties”. World War II brought about a period of great patriotism, a roll up your sleeves can do attitude, and a collective unity not seen since the strife of colonial times. The Korean War era was one of mixed feelings, mostly favorable in the beginning after coming off of years of prosperity. As the war dragged on, positive sentiment waned, and many negative press articles began to be displayed. The height of the Cold War in the 60’s brought about uneasiness for many, complete with civil defense drills in schools and some work places. Almost simultaneously, the civil rights era activities highlighted a unity of differing degrees. The duration of the Vietnam Conflict really brought awareness to the forefront that not everyone shared the same feelings regarding our military presence. Do you remember how things changed after the events of 9-11?

I don’t claim to be a historian, nor do I play one on TV. And I certainly wish I had paid closer attention in Mr. Larson’s history class. But all one has to do is sift through the past to see that our lives are full of events that will have a direct effect on what each one of us perceives as normal.

Regarding the Covid-19 virus, moving forward, are we always going to be required to wear masks in certain venues? Are we going to be physically limited somehow regarding visitations to healthcare facilities? Will attending school, church or other activities have restrictions in place? I don’t know, but I’m ready to get back to as much normal as possible.

Just my opinion here, but at some common point in all our lives, we’ve got to get a grip on reality and just calm down. We all have times when things don’t go our way. It’s how we all react that determines what happens next. Common sense, common courtesy, and common human decency seem to be in short supply in many layers of our society. Perhaps we can change some of this at the polls. Perhaps we can change some of this by contacting our local and state civic representatives and legislators. Perhaps a lot can be changed by enacting change in ourselves.

Be smart. Be safe. Stay strong.

God Bless America

Until next month,

Chuck Voelker