Chuck's Chat-Welcome to October 2023!
The Montgomery County Farm Bureau annual meeting will be held October 3 at ICC West, with the meal beginning at 6:30. We’ll be holding our 6th annual silent auction with the recipient to be the Food Banks of Montgomery County. Watch for some online bidding opportunities on our Montgomery County Farm Bureau Facebook page, which is happening as I type. If you’d like to contribute to this great fund raiser, contact Kathy O’Brien at 620-331-0826, or bring items to the office at 217 W Myrtle in Independence by noon October 3. Cash, checks, and land trust donations are always welcome.
Kansas Farm Bureau created Leadership KFB with the purpose of developing members as grassroots leaders. This year-long program focuses on creating influential, thought-leaders who will choose to engage, create change, and look for solutions, not only in agriculture, but in counties and communities across the state. All applications must be submitted electronically by October 15, 2023. Contact Leigh Ann Maurath at , Edie Doane at or call (785) 587-6102 for questions about the program. For information, go here
Kansas Farm Bureau will be hosting a 2024 Alaska cruise on Holland America’s Nieuw Amsterdam ship July 27 through Aug. 4 and will have the option to continue with a land tour through Aug. 8. A virtual Q&A session will be held at 5 p.m. on Oct. 18. To learn more about the trip and to register for the virtual Q&A session, go to
According to the Kansas Mesonet, our friends to the west in Sedan are 19.17” below the average 365 day rainfall accumulation ending September 30, 2023. There is not a Mesonet reporting station in Montgomery County, but nonetheless, it’s still dry. Sure hope the forecasted cooler temperatures will somehow usher in some much needed moisture. We are way too dry headed into winter, folks.
October is National Pork Month. We just happen to have two half hogs offered on our upcoming silent auction, graciously donated by Springer Family Foods. The processing is covered by Community State Bank of Coffeyville. Be sure to not miss this opportunity for some high-quality pork, which will be processed locally by Neodesha Meats.
Pray for rain.
Until next month,
Chuck Voelker
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