Posts in Kansas Ranching
Chuck's Chat-Welcome to March!

I’m sure happy to rip that February page off my pickup dash calendar. That was some of the coldest weather we’ve encountered in a long time, for a long time. We actually fared better along the Northern Sycamore Urban Boundary than many of my northern friends. We did not have any broken pipes, nor did we lose electricity.

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Chuck's Chat-Welcome to February 2021!

It seems like it was just the other evening I told my wife Happy New Year before dozing off to sleep around 10:15. Time flies when you’re having fun. Or getting older. One thing I have discovered during my graceful aging: “As old gets older, cold gets colder.”

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Chuck's Chat-Welcome January 2021

As I attempt to assemble thoughts and peer out our east living room windows on this first morning of 2021, I see the pure, white, driven snow falling at about an eighty-degree angle. There’s just enough wind to carry the large flakes a fair distance, and enough to make the current temperature of 34 feel colder than it is

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Chuck's Chat-Welcome to September!

Kansas Farm Bureau recently announced their newest member benefit partner, KEY Apparel. Members can save up to 20% on online purchases with free shipping on orders over $75. Members also have access to the KEY Business Design Lab to create custom-branded KEY apparel for your business.

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Chuck’s Chat - Welcome to February. 

How ‘bout them Chiefs!!!  I remember when they won the big game fifty years ago.  For years during McLouth Elementary recesses we boys all pretended to be Len Dawson, Otis Taylor, Jan Stenerud, Willie Lanier, etc.  I can only imagine kids today imitating Mahomes, Kelce, Hill, Honey Badger, and so on.  What a great lesson in believing in your team, faith, and execution of a game plan.   Some businesses could learn a few things from this team’s progression.

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Chuck’s Chat Welcome to January!

I trust you all survived the holiday season.  It seems as families grow, mature, and move away that more coordination and planning becomes necessary.  It is my belief that it’s important for Santa Claus to visit the little ones at their own home, which means sometimes cousins, aunts, uncles and even Nanas and Papas have to wait their turn.  Even then it becomes a challenge to gather them all together.  Nonetheless, the wait is worth it to share the love and laughs with those we adore most.  Just think how absolutely wonderful our lives could be if we would just carry that happy holiday emotion with us every day.

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Chuck's Chat-Welcome to December

Something out of the ordinary this month, a recap of my latest adventure.

I had fed the cows to keep them happy and to keep them full. I noticed one was missing; it was that ornery bull. He had done this before. I knew where he would be. He liked to snort and paw to the bull on the neighbor’s property. I drove along the tree line but did see him at all. It was only a few moments later that I received the call.

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Chuck's Chat-Welcome to October!

First and foremost for Montgomery County Farm Bureau members, the annual meeting and banquet is October 1st at 6:30pm at the St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Parish Hall in Cherryvale.  Invitations have been previously mailed to all members.  Furthermore, we are sponsoring a silent auction to help offset some recent medical costs for Darren Felts.  We have received some very nice items from generous contributors all around the county.  If you are unable to attend the meeting, or are not a member but would like to donate, send a check to our office at 217 W. Myrtle, Independence, Kansas 67301.  Please try to have funds to us by October 10, and write “Darren Felts” in the memo line.

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Chuck's Chat-Welcome to September!

Opening day of dove season, Labor Day weekend, kids are back in school, State Fair, and football season is here again!  That means days are getting shorter, temperatures will start dropping and combines will begin rolling in the corn fields - just as soon as they dry out some.  What a growing season it’s been thus far!  At least there’s no current forage shortage for cattle grazing in lush pastures, and we’re not hauling water.  This is usually the time of year we pray for rains to kick the fescue back into production.  I just pray the water gap fence stays put with each rain.

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Chuck's Chat-Welcome to July!

Official rainfall total for Independence in June was 8.62 inches, with the average being 6.34.  I know for a fact other areas of Montgomery County received more. I’ve repaired the water gap fence in the creek more this year than probably the previous four years combined.  Nonetheless, my cattle have fresh running water, as well as a full pond. The grass is thick, and so are the mosquitoes. And the humidity, oh my.

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Chuck's Chat-Welcome to June!

But first, a little May recap.  According to the National Weather Service, Independence received 16.67 inches of rain.  I’m sure there are some isolated areas that received more.  That represents one-fourth to one-third of our average annual rainfall.  May is typically the month we receive the most rain, with an average of 6.5 inches.  We sure blew that average out of the water. (too soon?)

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