Here along the Northern Sycamore Urban Boundary the rainfall has been pretty sparse. If it weren’t for the three inches we got in about 2 hours one evening, we would have only received about half an inch of precious precipitation for the month.
Read MoreYes, I’m late. To all you faithful followers (you know who you are), thank you for your patience. I’ve gotten behind in my shop work as well due to excessively saturated atmospheric conditions, and an air compressor that went ka-fluey.
Read MoreLooks like May is starting off the way April used to – with some needed moisture. It’s certainly welcomed here along the Northern Sycamore Urban Boundary as I’m sure it is most places.
Read MoreYes, I know I’m a couple of days late with this, but hey, I’ve been busy. Busy changing from my winter flannel wardrobe one day to short sleeves the next.
Read MoreJust a week ago I was complaining about being cold. Forecasts for this week call for highs approaching the upper 70’s.
Read MoreAh yes, December. The beginning of the cold months. And the cold and flu season months. And the rutting up the pasture feeding hay and cubes months. And the chopping ice and thawing waterers months.
Read MoreFellow Montgomery County Farm Bureau members, please follow our Facebook page for some of the fantastic items that will be offered at our 4th annual benefit silent auction at the upcoming October 5 annual meeting.
Read MoreGonna take a little detour this month to pass along some information I received today from Kansas Farm Bureau.
Read MoreIn case you missed the recent news release, the Montgomery County Farm Bureau board of directors has announced the creation of the FFA & 4-H Advocacy, Service and Education Gran
Read MoreSorry for the tardy post, but I’ve been on a family vacation, and away from the necessary technological devices which help make this possible. Quite refreshing, to be honest.
Read MoreWe sloshed and splashed our way through the merry month of May. And now, not any too soon, comes the eventful month of June.
Read MoreSeems as though it was just the other day we were battling record cold temperatures and record-breaking energy bills. And yet, here we are, one-third of the way through 2021.
Read MoreI’m sure happy to rip that February page off my pickup dash calendar. That was some of the coldest weather we’ve encountered in a long time, for a long time. We actually fared better along the Northern Sycamore Urban Boundary than many of my northern friends. We did not have any broken pipes, nor did we lose electricity.
Read MoreIt seems like it was just the other evening I told my wife Happy New Year before dozing off to sleep around 10:15. Time flies when you’re having fun. Or getting older. One thing I have discovered during my graceful aging: “As old gets older, cold gets colder.”
Read MoreAs I attempt to assemble thoughts and peer out our east living room windows on this first morning of 2021, I see the pure, white, driven snow falling at about an eighty-degree angle. There’s just enough wind to carry the large flakes a fair distance, and enough to make the current temperature of 34 feel colder than it is
Read MoreI believe Merle Haggard was right in 1973 when he sang these lyrics: “If we make it through December, everything’s gonna be alright I know”. We’ve got 31 days to find out.
By now I think we all know someone who has been directly affected by the corona virus. The indirect
Read MoreDoes anyone else wonder who was responsible for designating each month as a particular "awareness month"? Just another job in the long list of occupations I don't recall seeing at career day.
Read MoreFellow Montgomery County Farm Bureau members, please follow our Facebook page for some of the fantastic items that will be offered at our 3rd annual benefit silent auction at the upcoming October 6 annual meeting.
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