Posts in Kansas Weather
Chuck's Chat-Welcome to April 2023!

I’m not real sure where spring went. It appears we’re headed right into summertime temperatures. Ope, never mind, I see a 57 high and 32 low for Wednesday the 5th here along the Northern Sycamore Urban

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Chuck's Chat-Welcome to March 2023!

Our favorite Tulsa TV (our assigned local stations) weatherman reported that the state of Oklahoma has had a record number of tornados this past December, January, and February. I certainly hope this is not a continuing trend as we are just now entering the severe weather season.

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Chuck's Chat-Welcome to December 2022!

The annual Kansas Farm Bureau meeting will be held the 3rd through the 5th. Highlights for this year's annual meeting include lots of great workshops (ag economy, water, farm family transition, labor and Chef Alli); keynote features Dr. Chris Kuehl who will provide an entertaining and informative talk on the current state of agriculture, manufacturing, supply chains and more.

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Chuck's Chat-Welcome to October 2021!

Fellow Montgomery County Farm Bureau members, please follow our Facebook page for some of the fantastic items that will be offered at our 4th annual benefit silent auction at the upcoming October 5 annual meeting.

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